
Showing posts from August, 2020


 Hi! My name is Chris.  I used to blog over at a deliberate life.  Unfortunately I am now locked out of that blog.  I let it lapse and couldn't retrieve it.  That's okay.  This vibe is different.  I'm different. I am again losing weight.  Not nearly as much, but still a decent amount.  I allowed other portions of my life to take precedence.   I can't say I regret it. I am a much more well rounded person these days. I spent time getting a career and letting it go.  That too will be a part of this blog.   The career I picked was a confidential victim advocate for victims of domestic violence.  I worked in one of the most dangerous cities for women in america.  I also spent time as a hospital advocate for victims of sexual assault and rape. My realization after spending two and a half years as an advocate, (and a year and a half as a case manager in a safe house) was that almost every issue I encountered  stemmed from learning relationship dynamics that were toxic. Without